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31 janv. 2011

Ice Age

Posted byAdmin on 06:04
  • Sexuality
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    It’s cheap, highly addictive and ultra-powerful. “Ice,” or crystal methamphetamine, is now more popular than heroin. It plays havoc with the minds and the bodies of addicts, filling emergency wards with dangerous, psychotic patients. But little is known about the long-term effects of the drug or even how to treat the addiction.This documentary reports on the hidden, growing epidemic.

    Methamphetamine has medical uses as well as the potential to cause addiction. Methamphetamine addiction typically occurs when a person begins to use the drug as a stimulant, for its powerful enhancing effects on sex, mood and energy, alertness and ability to concentrate, and weight loss and appetite suppression, among its other psychological and physical effects.

    Over time tolerance develops, and users have greater difficulty functioning and experiencing pleasure than they did before, which persists indefinitely due to neurotoxicity produced by methamphetamine in long-term recovered addicts.

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