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26 janv. 2011

Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11

Posted byAdmin on 09:56
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    Towers of Deception (playlist)

    This is a great eyeopening documentary film. The left is far more infiltrated by actual paid agents of the FBI and the CIA, and the like, than most of us on the left are willing to think about seriously. The CIA…has virtually unlimited funds. It is above and beyond the law and it knows no moral constraints. It has no financial or moral or legal constraints to stop it from doing whatever it’s going to do. There’s a tremendously large number of CIA agents who are moles within the media. They occupy positions, high and low, throughout the newspaper, television, radio, and book publishing industries. A dozen carefully researched books have exposed the official story of 9/11 to be a terror fraud. Yet the mainstream media have monolithically failed to ask elementary questions about anomalies in this story. So-called alternative media have been little better. Towers of Deception explains why and prescribes actions to break out the truth.

    Authored by a lifelong journalist who was for thirty-five years a media critic, Towers of Deception provides twenty-six “exhibits” of evidence proving “beyond a reasonable doubt” that 9/11 was an inside job. It then presents case histories of de facto censorship by mainstream media and examines the psychological phenomenon of denial. “False flag” operations and psychological warfare are dealt with in detail, as is the “invisible government”-the powers pulling strings behind the scenes. Following a profile of Dr. David Ray Griffin as an authentic prophet of the 9/11 truth movement, Towers of Deception urges people to speak truth to power and challenge all media.

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